IDS GeoRadar’s solutions for the structural monitoring industry meet a variety of customer requirements and needs.
In today’s highly competitive world, infrastructure such as buildings, bridges and roads is a driver of productivity and supports economic growth. Infrastructure maintenance is vital to economic well-being as well as community health and safety. This is not always the case, leading to disasters that threaten the reputation of entire regions or countries. Cities are developing rapidly, so governments are spending significant resources to track changes in urban infrastructure.
IDS GeoRadar supplies technologies that can quickly and accurately identify and pinpoint the location of structural defects, can help engineers and civil engineers optimize limited budgets, prevent potentially catastrophic crashes while minimizing huge financial or human losses.
Interferometric radar solution (IBIS-FM EVO, IBIS-FS, HYDRA-G, HYDRA-T): The interferometric radar technology built into our product line allows you to remotely monitor the movement of civilian structures (for example, dams, bridges, towers, buildings). ) with a submillimetre accuracy. Our IBIS and HYDRA radars can be controlled remotely without the need for direct contact with the target being monitored. The IBIS-FM EVO generates a continuous supply of deformation cards, as opposed to periodic information provided by the sensors of current contacts, with unprecedented measurement speed and accuracy.
IDS GeoRadar Civil Engineering Solutions – Key Benefits
Safety – remote monitoring of structural movements and real-time two-dimensional mapping of simultaneous displacements;
Remote monitoring – no direct contact with the supervised target is required. | SV Solutions – official representative
Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
How to order services or purchase equipment and software?
To order survey work, laser scanning or geo-scanning, as well as technical inspection or other surveys at your facilities, call or write to our office