Technical inspection
Technical inspection of 3D structures is carried out periodically during the operation of the structure, according to the type of its use, before renovation, reconstruction or restoration works of the structure, before the resumption of construction work, after a break or preservation, as well as after an accident, fire or in other cases, if the technical condition of the structure must be determined.
Technical inspection
As a result of 3D stacking, in a short period of time we obtain the maximum amount, with a large precisative ( 0.1mm)data information
The obtained data provide information to architects, designers, constructors, experts, interjectors
By reducing the time spent performing 3D scanning and data processing, the orderer can receive a visualization, opinion, expert opinion, project approval in a short period of time. What reduces costs
Accurate information about the real state of affairs
Careful assessment of the mechanical strength, wear and tear and safety of all parts of the building
Recommendations and recommendations for managers and tenants for the proper operation of the building, as well as for increasing the longevity of equipment and parts of the structure
How to order services?
To order survey work, laser scanning or geo-surveying, as well as technical inspection or other surveys at your sites, call our office:
+371 27 86 0000 or send an application to e-mail: